Sacred Earth Ascension Explained

activation ascension process explained higher consciousness mother earth sacred earth

Hello and welcome,

At the moment, what is occurring is, Great Mother, Nature, Mother Earth, is also in an activation of acceleration. Mother Earth is accelerating her dislodging, her clearing out of her base, sacral, and solar plexus energy centers, on the planet. So we are going to start seeing more often, these energies of dislodging, of transmutation, of clearing on the Earth plane through the four elements, the four portals of Mother Earth - Water, Air, Fire, and Earth.

These four allies, four portals, have their own realm, have their own departments of different medicines, of different ways of clearing out the energy centers of the base, the sacral and the solar plexus energy centres on the Earth. So we are going to see, experience, and witness, more activity, more dislodging on the Earth through nature, now. This has to happen, this is happening, and this is going to happen because this is part of Mother Earth’s Ascension process, her transformation.

The history of this planet, the history of humanity, everything that's occurred in the collective consciousness, in humanity, is recorded, and is held in the system of nature, in the waterways, in the mountains, in the earth in specific places. In specific places, the records of the history of this planet, hold certain frequencies that are in a loop. This means that it keeps repeating, and repeating, and these places that hold that consciousness are now being called to release. It's like a seal is open. A valve is open. So it's this energy, this built up energy that has been in a loop, is now being released to start lightning up the load, clearing out the lower vibrations, the dense consciousness, the consciousness of separation. And this is occurring on Mother Earth. So the elements, the portals, the departments that this will be channeled through, are in the allies, the nature's allies, the elemental elements, forces - water, air, fire and earth. And as this occurs upon Mother Earth, what will happen is an expansion, literally in certain aspects of nature.

So there will be a relief, as the release of what I call (that's also within us), ‘the false testaments’ that are in Mother Earth will be released so that we'll create a space where the light that is coming through on this planet can be grounded, and can be absorbed through the systems of the Earth sphere, in particular what we call the Earth energy lines or Meridians. And as this happens, the source energy, the original point of creation on the Earth that has always been love, for love is the authentic beingness of Mother Earth, the original beingness, state of being of this planet, can be fully activated and remembered. When that's happening on the Earth, Mother Earth, that will cause a tsunami in the consciousness of all beings.

We are going through the same thing in our journeys. It's called the ascension process. This is happening in all directions on Mother Earth. In the time of 2025 / 2030, it's the acceleration. So as this happens more, it assists deeply and greatly in shifting the trajectory, in closing down possible realities and potentialities that are not aligned with love, not aligned with what I call the ‘I Am in the We Are’ or the ‘We Are in the I Am’. So this is part of the process that is coming in strongly. It's been happening for ages, but it's coming in strongly and we're all in this co-creating together, but we're also co-creating with Mother Earth.

The energy centers of the base, sacral and solar plexus, are being transmuted on Mother Earth. There are different parts of this planet that are of the base, of the sacral, solar plexus and other energy centers. So the elemental forces, nature's elements, are coming in to dislodge, to clear out, to transmute any consciousness held in those energy centers.

The base energy centre is about survival, about community, about tribal consciousness, about support and so on. The sacral energy centre has its contingency in the solar plexus and so on. So these elements that are coming through from nature are coming in to clear the old consciousness that predominantly have a foundation of separation. So these places that sometimes we will witness nature coming through have specific points, origin points, because that's a whole system of earth energy lines that moves the frequency, that moves the life force through the Earth nature system.

So these specific places, why there might be a lot of natural unfolding, natural happenings, hold specific beliefs, a consciousness, dominated consciousness that might be in the frequency of fear and disempowerment. Look, I believe that, that energy is all over the planet. But this is how it works. Certain points on the planet will be focused on to release the buildup of that energy that could be playing out in many places of the base on Earth. And the reason why it might happen in a certain place in the Pacific, or a certain place in the Northern Hemisphere or in Southeast Asia or in Central Europe, is because of specific keys and points. So even though it's happening in certain areas, it is also having a resonance, a radionic effect in all spaces and places that are frequency specific to that energy line.

It's a wonderful system of healing and transmutation. This is what's happening on the Earth. We are going through an ascension. Not only us, but also Mother Earth.

Stay grounded. Know the truth of your beingness moving forward, healing and clearing.

Big hugs,

Nancy X

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