Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening

authentic self manifestation spiritual awakening spiritual growth symptoms of spiritual awakening

Hello and welcome,

We are in the acceleration of many probabilities, many possibilities, and many choices. The many choices we have and that are available to us are leading us always to that space of authenticity, that place of our authentic self - of source, of divinity.

What is occurring deep within our being and deep within Mother Earth is a returning. A returning to a point in consciousness not only within us, but within the collective. And this point is a space, a way of being, a path that is ready to be activated. That which is ready to be activated, is the way, the path of the heart, not only within us and our lives, but on the planet.

The acceleration of many realities that is, will continue. The difference in this timeline is that many of these realities might have a very short spans of activation. What's occurring at this time, is a re-visit that is moving into our sphere of other timelines. Many are experiencing other timelines, past lives, old spaces and events that are coming up energetically, to move through those portals of transformation. And the reason why this is happening is because as part of our ascension, as we are in the process of clearing, dislodging and dismantling, the spaces that are being created now, are able to hold different vibrations and the different templates of these vibrations.

As we are clearing aspects of many past incarnations, past lives that are very much frequency aligned to that bigger picture of clearing, disempowerment, separation, disconnection, and other experiences, are what's being shifted at the moment. As that shifts, we are able to hold more of what we call our light embodiments, which are directly in connection, in merging to emerge, to the embodiments of ourselves that are in higher frequency, that is of the light - that is of love. Because ultimately this beautiful great planet Mother Earth, is the high resonance in the cosmos, in the universe of the expression of the manifestation in the physical, of love of the Sacred Heart, the Divine Heart - the divine love.

This period of time, 2025 starts bringing in those octaves, this consciousness. I know a lot of fear is coming up quite strongly and quite fast for a lot of people, and many are feeling it literally in their physical body as the energies of high vibration, high light, are raining upon us. It is focusing like a laser on different points, on different aspects in our body, what I call 'the library', our body, our earthly aspect of the records.

This light is focusing on our library and clearing out the old dogmas, doctrines, and testaments, predominantly what I call the 'false testaments' that are held in our body, in our cells, in our physical consciousness. And those energies are rooted in the foundation of fear, survival, fight and flight. So many are feeling the intensity of these vibrations and that's triggering the emotional pain body with feelings of hopelessness and overwhelm. Grief is also coming up because there is a shift in the dynamics of our relationships, especially with our community, our tribe, our family. This is happening because those dynamics are now needing to be healed.

As many are feeling that pull (that call) to move forward and out of the dynamics, and feelings of grief, feelings of this deep aloneness (loneliness) is coming up, because what we're stepping into is truly the unknown. But we have not lost our family. What we are doing is just moving out of those disempowering dynamics for all involved. Remember, we are all beings of light, divine light.

Everyone is in the process of a great energy shift, not only within us but also on the planet. It has many layers and levels. It is a powerful time and there are many aspects in the unfolding this year, of many levels and layers continuing to be activated. Many times the different levels are going to be activated, are going to be called to be transmuted, to be healed and sometimes all at once. One level here, another one there, another one here, and it could be all happening simultaneously.

I've said this often, self-care is really important because there's a lot of stuff that will be active, and some of those activities, are the frequency of the density of lower vibrations. That is so because we have that within our being. So that will be rumbling as part of the undoing we're going through. It is a process, and it's another level we're moving through.

The density and what we call the lower frequencies, the lower vibrations, astral, lower astral, and so on, not only within us but on the earth and also in the stars, are being activated because it is the transmutation that needs to occur. So it's coming up, it's moving from us, it's moving through us because everything is vibrationally specific with each other as we're going through a healing, a shifting.

So when these lower energy vibrations come up around us or within us, it can throw us off kilter and trigger us. It's a triggering in the system of fear-based feelings. And because many are also feeling the physical manifestation, the physical pain of this ascension time, it all becomes a bit of a mumbo jumbo soup in our system which then triggers the mind, and thoughts of hopelessness. Thoughts of, 'where am I going? What am I doing? What's happening?' Remember, when that comes up, it comes up from a place where our consciousness has been heavily aligned to the survival reality. And a lot of that survival reality, a lot of those pain body thoughts, have a strong historical contingency to them. What I mean by that is that historical energy and data, comes from one's past, their childhood, their experiences of not being seen, of not being witnessed in the energy of love and belonging.

So at the moment, we're all going through this re alignment, this movement into the truth of all that is love, and it's not easy, and it hasn't been easy. At times it can be very painful on all levels.

It's very important when you can, to find daily ways of being and allowing yourself to just drink in the energy of light, to relax the body. Let there be peace in your being. Even if you say that, "let there be peace in my cells. Let there be peace in my body. Let the peace that I am now, become evident in all ways... Let the peace that I am now become evident in all ways." And sometimes when you do this, you might feel the energy of resistance, agitation, frustration. Use your breathing when you feel that, breathing in… Trust, and breathing out, Fear. Breathing in Faith, and Breathing out, Fear. You're always breathing out the fear. You're breathing in the allies of your authentic self - Trust, Courage, Hope, and Knowing.

These times are indeed very powerful. For in your journey of remembering, it is in every moment whether you are aware of it or not, no matter what is going on, even if you feel like you are over it, in terms of the spiritual journey, of not feeling supported one day, and the next day you might feel uplifted and more connected, just know that every moment, no matter what is going on, it is part of you stepping into more and more of your authentic self.

Sometimes you might be in the center of an old consciousness, an old paradigm of density and vibration within you and around you. If so, with the energies that have been coming through on the planet in these times and will continue to come through in these times, know that you are still moving forward. Without a doubt, you are still moving forward.

These are powerful times on all levels within us, in our lives, and on the planet. As a Medicine Woman of the Earth and Stars, I can tell you, there is so much that is now being activated upon Mother Earth and in nature. There is great movement happening. Do not be afraid, there is nothing to fear. We are all on this journey together. We are all incredible beings - souls of big light.

We are mighty souls, with big light and definitely big hearts - big love.

Big hugs,

Nancy X

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